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Friday, July 31, 2009

memory of my mind

If I could travel,
A day or two,
Through the memory of my mind,
And I could travel,
Through the ocean of time,
Then I will reach out
To some lost character of mine!
If I could be given a chance,
To draw the picture...
of what I want my life to be,
Then I will portrait the picture of..
An handsome man.
If I could roller skate,
In the Olympics,
Then I will strive much harder...
Never to fall.
If I could have a moment
In the sky,
Then I will like to be a torch,
For the world to see.
If I could control the weather condition,
Then I will want just spring!
If I could see through...
the minds of people,
Then I will suggest better,
And know people even better.
It amazing how my heart,
Think of beautiful world,
we can live in Today.

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